Forums - MvC2 Evil Beginner needs help! Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2 Evil Beginner needs help! ( Posted by SatanaXXX on August 26th, 2001 10:00 PM: MvC2 Evil Beginner needs help! Ok, with all this talk about MvC2 I decided to play it seriously.So can someone of you Marvel masters give me some advices: from what I should begin to learn gameplay, tricks...strong beginner team etc?I would be very grateful if someone helps me out.Thankya __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Roo_Matthew on August 26th, 2001 11:48 PM: I would say use Cable, but Newbie Cables suck. Use Jill-Storm and Psylocke! Good chick team....and easy to play with. __________________ Magneto-Storm-Psylocke....#1 team Team Wisconsin takin over.....Much love Mid-West. Shot out to Slawta-Jago666-SSJGohan-ERROR-C-Klo-and everyone else from Wisconsin dominating! Posted by Smiley on August 27th, 2001 12:49 AM: hehe... start with jill/guile/akuma. LOL but seriously, i can't do much for you since i don't know what kind of player you are... lessee here... (all IMO, btw) i'll assume that you've played the vs games before and know what a combo is and what a super is, so i'd recommend beginner players to begin by practicing stuff that are often used, IMO... things like assist calling, DHCing, VCing, rolling, etc, etc. basic gameplay stuff new to MvC2. then, begin by picking character that you're familiar with, such as i dunno... wolverine or something, and start by getting into the game with familiar ground. don't play with magneto/storm/psy the first time you play and expect to rule ass like you did in mvc1 or something... you can't jump if you don't know how to walk right? then after familiarizing yourself with the game, pick a method to play, and play teams revolving round them... such as: if you are a keepaway player cable/doom/capcom if you're a trapper strider/doom/capcom tho i'd recommend spiral/cable/sent rusdown/combo player? er... magneto/storm/psy? i guess... all-purpose teams storm/cable/sent (i personally love this team, tho i can't use it well... go figure... ) and the such. of course, feel free to experiment and use whatever the hell you want to. one more thing, if your using cable, DON'T just stand there pressing fierce again and again. and again. and again. and again. that's the epitome of newbieness. if you watch vets play cable, they don't stand there shooting at you unless they have an assist for cover, and they never do HVBs. only AHVBs. i started playing mvc2 with cable as well, and i remember the days when FPx4 xx VB xx HVB was considered to be hella tight... LOL ah well, those were the days... __________________ When in doubt, Cheese 'em out! -Last words of Smiley, before becoming a grateful scrub Posted by Caoboi on August 27th, 2001 03:24 AM: although i might get clowned on for this, team shoto (ryu, ken, akuma) is a pretty decent beginner team. their combos are really easy and mastering the movements are necessary for the execution of harder combos that other characters have (for example. the mastery of akuma's standard zigzag -> hurricane kick XX aerial fireball super helps a lot in mastering cammys air combo which differs in only the direction of fireball joystick movements) team shoto will get absolutely ripped apart by a top tier team, but in the right hands, it can do a shitload of damage. other characters that can help you grasp concepts that are useful in the road to top tier characters: Guile- basic character that gives you good rhythm for the buttons, plus his supers can easily be comboed into Jill- learn the concept of OTG (need i say more?) also, like one of the guys here said: newbie Cables BLOW. which is why i would not recommend a newbie using cable. only use cable after u know how to do AVHBs and if you know how to combo into AVHBs. otherwise newbie Cables that do ground hyper beams get owned from attacks from the air and after the lag following the ground HB, and newbie cables lead to really bad habits, like playing "a sorry ass all i know is hp,hp,hp, viper beam and it works against some people so i wont bother learning new shit"-type of game __________________ SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR MVC2 ONLINE Posted by AMEnoMURAKUMO on August 27th, 2001 04:14 AM: yeah i agree...psylocke can get you started...since her combos are pretty easy to do...i say strider though because he has all the fundamentals in the game...except for keepaway/run away/turtle...he has a decent combo series and his air QCF+lp should end all your air combos...very easy to do...newbies should have fun with it...then graduate to mags/storm... __________________ Can I start over yet??? Posted by Ryo Hazuki on August 27th, 2001 04:55 AM: go there and check out the mvc2 character faqs....sure they aren't the best but they're great if you're just starting out Posted by SatanaXXX on August 27th, 2001 11:33 AM: Hey I didn't expect this, thanx alot! Well, let's see: I'm a pretty good Street Fighter, CvS player and I already know about supers etc, but the important thing is that I don't know the usefulness of principal MvC2 mechanics such as assists, the blockthat bounces the opponent back, the "forced character change" and aerial raves. I know supers etc of the characters I use but can't use them effectively and can't choose the right assists and so. The team I practiced until now was all three of them and each one has different tactics (I love Jill for the rushdown, sentinel for the keep-away and Doom for the projectile game)...first of all is this a good team?Or just a random bunch of people? And what do you mean with "OTG", "AVHB", "HVB" and so?I'm new in this kind of game so those abbreviations are Chinese for me! Thanx! __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Gerjay_2001 on August 27th, 2001 12:33 PM: I like your team a lot. Much better than my first teams... amingo... Anyways, I'll explain all of those short forms and the main mechanics to MvC2. AHVB = Air Hyper Viper Beam, basically his normal super but done off the ground. If you know Sagat you know that he has a move with the motion of down to up-forward. Well, this is known as the Tiger Knee. If you do this with cable and press two punches, his normal super will lift off of the ground with 0 startup and no lag. This can be comboed into itself if you do it fast enough. HVB = Hyper Viper Beam, don't use it!!! OTG = Off the ground. This is basically what it sounds like, in the middle of a combo you knock someone down and then hit them OTG. Here is a simple combo for jill. c.lp,,, OTG, c.hp, super jump, sj.lp,, sj.lp,, qcf+p, qcf+pp. This used to be one of the best combos in the game. When they are hit with the crouching hard kick they fall down, the crouching light kick hits them off the ground and into your crouching hard punch. The hard punch launches them up for an aerial rave. Push Block = Press two punches while blocking. Use this if someone is constantly on top of you and not allowing you to move. Say, a crazy rushdown strider. You can use this to try and stop some traps, although normally it will never work. Snapback aka Forced Character Switch = hcf+a1or2 (hcf+assist 1 or 2.) Assist 1 brings in the 2nd character, assist 2 brings in the 3rd character. Takes one level of super. Use these if you see that the opponents helper has low health to force them to fight you. Assists = Press assist one or two. These are probably the most inportant new function in MvC2. If you do not use these you will usually die. Assists are made to cover you during keep away, to keep the opponent in block stun while rushing their a$$ down, and to keep traps/lockdowns going. Use them to crossup (jump over and mess up their blocking), and to do some nice chip. Now onto your team. This is a pretty good team considering you have just started playing. Use Jill to gain super meter for Doom, and use Sentinel as your main assist... in other words, use sentinel assist as often as possible. I would suggest using Doom anti-air assist (one of the greatest assists in the game), and Sentinel ground assist. Jill should probably be on dash assist. If you need help with your specific characters find Geekboy's guides on each of those character, excluding Jill. If you find a post of his all of his guides are linked in his signature. Anyways, hope this helped. __________________ "The first step to failure is trying; so remember... don't ever try." -Wise words of Homer Simpson "Do or do not, there is no try." -Even wiser words of Yoda Posted by SatanaXXX on August 27th, 2001 01:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gerjay_2001 I like your team a lot. Much better than my first teams... amingo... Anyways, I'll explain all of those short forms and the main mechanics to MvC2. AHVB = Air Hyper Viper Beam, basically his normal super but done off the ground. If you know Sagat you know that he has a move with the motion of down to up-forward. Well, this is known as the Tiger Knee. If you do this with cable and press two punches, his normal super will lift off of the ground with 0 startup and no lag. This can be comboed into itself if you do it fast enough. HVB = Hyper Viper Beam, don't use it!!! OTG = Off the ground. This is basically what it sounds like, in the middle of a combo you knock someone down and then hit them OTG. Here is a simple combo for jill. c.lp,,, OTG, c.hp, super jump, sj.lp,, sj.lp,, qcf+p, qcf+pp. This used to be one of the best combos in the game. When they are hit with the crouching hard kick they fall down, the crouching light kick hits them off the ground and into your crouching hard punch. The hard punch launches them up for an aerial rave. Push Block = Press two punches while blocking. Use this if someone is constantly on top of you and not allowing you to move. Say, a crazy rushdown strider. You can use this to try and stop some traps, although normally it will never work. Snapback aka Forced Character Switch = hcf+a1or2 (hcf+assist 1 or 2.) Assist 1 brings in the 2nd character, assist 2 brings in the 3rd character. Takes one level of super. Use these if you see that the opponents helper has low health to force them to fight you. Assists = Press assist one or two. These are probably the most inportant new function in MvC2. If you do not use these you will usually die. Assists are made to cover you during keep away, to keep the opponent in block stun while rushing their a$$ down, and to keep traps/lockdowns going. Use them to crossup (jump over and mess up their blocking), and to do some nice chip. Now onto your team. This is a pretty good team considering you have just started playing. Use Jill to gain super meter for Doom, and use Sentinel as your main assist... in other words, use sentinel assist as often as possible. I would suggest using Doom anti-air assist (one of the greatest assists in the game), and Sentinel ground assist. Jill should probably be on dash assist. If you need help with your specific characters find Geekboy's guides on each of those character, excluding Jill. If you find a post of his all of his guides are linked in his signature. Anyways, hope this helped. Hey thanx a lot!But what do you mean with Ground-ait-rush assists?Can you indicate them in A-B-C?Thanx. I think too the team is quite good, first of all because it's so much funny!So you say that with Jill if I perform a lk after the slide I can uppercut and aerial rave???Amazing!!!I'll try it out thanx again __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Gerjay_2001 on August 27th, 2001 01:35 PM: lol, just make sure there is a pause between the trip and the OTG. Anyways, Jill B, Doom B, Sent C. There you go... __________________ "The first step to failure is trying; so remember... don't ever try." -Wise words of Homer Simpson "Do or do not, there is no try." -Even wiser words of Yoda Posted by Blackheart2097 on August 27th, 2001 02:23 PM: u should use guile, cammy iceman. cammy is ez to play just do air combos. guile is a great begginner character and ice is also ez to play with and he has a good assist to help his team out. this team is ez to play with u should start here. i don't recommend sentinel yet cause u have to get use to flight mode then flight cancel u should use him yet waith till like october or so. u must learn how to crawl before u creep leave the top tiers alone for now. __________________ Blackheart is the only god! We all must bow down to him or welcome death. He is the ultimate being. Posted by Aeriousan on August 27th, 2001 02:33 PM: game hard, and look at nobody...u'll get the game someday. oh yeah, ASSISTS!!! use assists often. but not too often. just watch, get experience, and everythin will come accordingly. Strider, Cable, Cammy __________________ I am the Freezing Iron MegaMAN. but "THE MAN OF MEN" is more common Cool! I WIN! can I take your power now? --M E G A M A N Posted by SatanaXXX on August 27th, 2001 04:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gerjay_2001 lol, just make sure there is a pause between the trip and the OTG. Anyways, Jill B, Doom B, Sent C. There you go... Ok!So I'll try this version of my team!But are breeding your future lord!!!MWAHAAHAH!!!! Just joking. So Sentinel is too hard to use now you say Blackheart?but he'so damn huge and cool!!!I love his down+hkXXlow Roket punch combo!!!Too cool I have to learn to use this savage beast of steel!!! __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by iRoNMaN!|LiU| on August 27th, 2001 04:40 PM: beginner hunh? I say guile and Jill. They're both easy to use. When I first started I used them. And if u want learn the basic combo of Guile: D00m AAA, down+Hk xxx Sonic Hurricane. __________________ "I'm Unstoppable!" Posted by SatanaXXX on August 27th, 2001 09:28 PM: GooD!But in this game I prefere using more spectacular characters!!!I reserve guile for CvS or ST!!!=) __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Chris on August 28th, 2001 01:08 AM: I'd say a good beginner is spiderman. i know lots of people who started out with this guy. he's not too fast(which is good for a beginner), easy-to-do combos, plus he deals more damage than jill or cammy. iceman is another great beginner. easy-to-do combos, plus easy keepaway. however, if you can start and master doom and sentinel, why not? they're da best! Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on August 28th, 2001 01:37 AM: im not sure if anyone said something like this already but by all means dont use cable, bh or any that has keepaway aspect when you first begin. i know some guy who started by using cable sent and bh and all he can do is jump back, call bh and rocket punch/viper beam. i seriosly doubt he will get any better seeing that he has been playing for a while. you should try to learn comboing BEFORE you try to do anything else. before my city heard about top tier i used bb hood, jin and morigan. note: i know that cable ISNT used for keep away but with some scrubs thats all they can do with him. Posted by Smiley on August 28th, 2001 02:04 AM: jill/doom/sent eh? that's 2/3 competition team right there. hmm... lessee here... they got most things covered, except i really wouldn't recommend spidey, since his launcher is a combination of mp and rk. i hate that. the only thing your team needs to be competitive is an AAA, so keep working on combos and such with that team of yours and eventually, move to using better rushdown characters and other assist choices. one more thing... cable IS used for keepaway. (when you don't have any meter or don't have any assists to punish lol ) the whole premise of the team i use, team seattle, is to play a keepaway/patient cable and capitalize on mistakes. cable's not all AHVB and GBs ya know grrrr.... stop talking like he's a newbie character. __________________ When in doubt, Cheese 'em out! -Last words of Smiley, before becoming a grateful scrub Posted by Gilliam on August 28th, 2001 02:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by SatanaXXX Hey I didn't expect this, thanx alot! Well, let's see: I'm a pretty good Street Fighter, CvS player and I already know about supers etc, but the important thing is that I don't know the usefulness of principal MvC2 mechanics such as assists, the blockthat bounces the opponent back, the "forced character change" and aerial raves. I know supers etc of the characters I use but can't use them effectively and can't choose the right assists and so. The team I practiced until now was all three of them and each one has different tactics (I love Jill for the rushdown, sentinel for the keep-away and Doom for the projectile game)...first of all is this a good team?Or just a random bunch of people? And what do you mean with "OTG", "AVHB", "HVB" and so?I'm new in this kind of game so those abbreviations are Chinese for me! Thanx! change the order of your team to jill/sent/doom, besides that your team is pretty good,seeing as those chars really aren't hard to learn at all. also i believe that sent/doom has a lock down that chips alot. __________________ Bonerine owns u all!!!! teams that i'm fucking around with morrigan/sent storm/tron bonerine/sent/blackheart R.I.P Aaliyah your music was the shit and you were and still are my fav female artist Posted by SatanaXXX on August 28th, 2001 02:21 PM: What's AAA? I quite mastered Jill's Awesome off the ground combo...devastating! Which are the powers-flaws of my team's characters?Can anybody tell?How shoul I use those beasts? __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Gilliam on August 28th, 2001 03:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by SatanaXXX What's AAA? aaa means anti air assist __________________ Bonerine owns u all!!!! teams that i'm fucking around with morrigan/sent storm/tron bonerine/sent/blackheart R.I.P Aaliyah your music was the shit and you were and still are my fav female artist Posted by Smiley on August 28th, 2001 06:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by SatanaXXX What's AAA? I quite mastered Jill's Awesome off the ground combo...devastating! Which are the powers-flaws of my team's characters?Can anybody tell?How shoul I use those beasts? i think her otg combos can be rolled tho. __________________ When in doubt, Cheese 'em out! -Last words of Smiley, before becoming a grateful scrub Posted by SatanaXXX on August 28th, 2001 07:12 PM: You mean that while I'm comboing the opponent can roll away?I didn't know!Now I'm using with assists as they told me B Jill, B Doom and C Sentinel, Awesome!I use firsti jill and then Doom because when I'm doing an aerial rave with jill and conclude with her rushing air special doing yoga+2kicks appears Doom concluding the combo with his spear-to-the-sky special which is pretti good and damaging to link! Talking about serious and tournament game...which are the most used tactics with these characters? I read very often of pro using Doom and Sentinel which is good , does jill suck in tournaments?Or she is just a weird character?And how about aerial raves, do they work well or nobody uses them playing seriously? __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Ping on August 28th, 2001 07:22 PM: Yeah, they can be rolled out of. Useful for playing against beginners or intermediates but the good player will roll and punish you. The c.HK's a trip so they can roll from that. [Hey Smiley, do I see Cable's legs in a standing-on-the-ground position? ] I don't know much about Jill, but from what I understand it's a useful tactic to send out your dogs and crows and zombies (qcf+k/qcb+k). You can c.HK them then cancel into a QCF+PP super, or you can s.LK, s.LK cancelled into QCF+KK. I'm guessing she's not used much because there's not a whole lot of variety she can do. Doom and Sentinel tactics... geez, you can probably find them all over in this forum area. Just try to learn basics with them first. Sentinel: learn to cancel the ground rocket punch (LP or HP, doesn't matter) into a Hyper Sentinel Force [HSF] (QCF+KK) Doom: Ummm... Learn how to throw "pink shit"? (HCB+P) From what I understand they're a big part of his strategy. Do them in the air and control a lot of space. Be sure to call out Doom's Beta assist out a lot- it's really useful to keep the opponent blocking and deals a good amount of chipping damage. If you can learn the basics well with Doom and Sentinel then you can learn the advanced tactics with them fairly easily. Though be sure to experiment with other characters- Jill will probably be replaced later on by someone else. But as everyone's stating, be sure to learn the basics first or you won't do too well with advanced tactics. Hyper cancelling is a must! (cancelling a super move from a special move) Good luck! __________________ Fighting advanced players is so much effort. Posted by SatanaXXX on August 29th, 2001 10:42 AM: Thanx!So is possible to cancel a super move with a special move(the one with 1 levea and pp or kk)?Cool!And what about air block tricks?I heard that there is a time after blocking in air in which U cannot block and saw a movie in which I tink Valle capitalizes of it with you know anything about this? __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Gilliam on August 29th, 2001 02:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ping Yeah, they can be rolled out of. Useful for playing against beginners or intermediates but the good player will roll and punish you. The c.HK's a trip so they can roll from that. [Hey Smiley, do I see Cable's legs in a standing-on-the-ground position? ] I don't know much about Jill, but from what I understand it's a useful tactic to send out your dogs and crows and zombies (qcf+k/qcb+k). You can c.HK them then cancel into a QCF+PP super, or you can s.LK, s.LK cancelled into QCF+KK. I'm guessing she's not used much because there's not a whole lot of variety she can do. Doom and Sentinel tactics... geez, you can probably find them all over in this forum area. Just try to learn basics with them first. Sentinel: learn to cancel the ground rocket punch (LP or HP, doesn't matter) into a Hyper Sentinel Force [HSF] (QCF+KK) Doom: Ummm... Learn how to throw "pink shit"? (HCB+P) From what I understand they're a big part of his strategy. Do them in the air and control a lot of space. Be sure to call out Doom's Beta assist out a lot- it's really useful to keep the opponent blocking and deals a good amount of chipping damage. If you can learn the basics well with Doom and Sentinel then you can learn the advanced tactics with them fairly easily. Though be sure to experiment with other characters- Jill will probably be replaced later on by someone else. But as everyone's stating, be sure to learn the basics first or you won't do too well with advanced tactics. Hyper cancelling is a must! (cancelling a super move from a special move) Good luck! i wouldn't use alot of crows,dogs,zombie against people with beam supers (esp cable) but fell free to do it on people with out beams while using doom aaa so you can keep em away for a little bit also i don't know if anyone told you this but jill's most damaging combo is launch,lp,lk,close fighting a xx close figting a+. __________________ Bonerine owns u all!!!! teams that i'm fucking around with morrigan/sent storm/tron bonerine/sent/blackheart R.I.P Aaliyah your music was the shit and you were and still are my fav female artist Posted by SatanaXXX on August 29th, 2001 03:38 PM: Sorry but I don't understand what do you mean saying close fighting a X and close fighting a XX!Launch is the rocket launcher or the shoulder bash? __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Gilliam on August 29th, 2001 04:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by SatanaXXX Sorry but I don't understand what do you mean saying close fighting a X and close fighting a XX!Launch is the rocket launcher or the shoulder bash? okay when i said launch i meant the move she uses to knock them in the air for a air combo ( i think it's a c.hp or crouching fierce) and close fighting a is her dash move, while close fighting a+ is her super dash. xx means to cancel one move into another (like hadoken xx shinkuu hadoken) __________________ Bonerine owns u all!!!! teams that i'm fucking around with morrigan/sent storm/tron bonerine/sent/blackheart R.I.P Aaliyah your music was the shit and you were and still are my fav female artist Posted by SatanaXXX on August 30th, 2001 12:11 AM: oh Ok I got it . Now, Are there any awesome Sentinel Combo?When I use this Titan I usually go for single strong hits...but are there any useful combos?Thanx __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by thejibster on August 30th, 2001 02:32 AM: Guard Break - There is an article on main page about this. Cable has an easy one on characters jumping in after point character dies. Regular jump back and FP shoot as they jump in, and before they hit the ground AHVB. (Air Hyper Viper) If they block the first shot (and your timing is right) they will eat the AHVB full on. You can only block once during a regular jump and if they let go of block after the first shot they are yours. Posted by thejibster on August 30th, 2001 02:44 AM: Nasty Sent Tricks I used to play Strider/Sentinel/Doom Use Strider Variety assist (B) the teleport kick. Call Strider and as he hits press FP (pink shot), cancel to Rocket Punch (FP), and cancel to Hyper Sentinel force. You can then FP, Rocket Punch, and Hyper Sentinel force repeatedly if you have meter. The timing is a perfect rhythm 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5 Use the rhythm of the hyper sent force as the guide. Use Doom Antiair (B) opponent in corner Jump in, short kick, fierce kick, rocket punch call doom and land, dash forward, FP (pinkshot), jab, strong, low rocket punch, cancel to plasma storm. Even if they block the chip damage on this is phenomenal. Suppression kicking combined with flying/unflying is pure brutality Posted by SatanaXXX on August 30th, 2001 01:45 PM: HEll this is pretty complicated!I'll try it out! Well I'm starting to think that Marval Vs Cap 2 is a bit too MUCH complicated for me...: O __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by AMEnoMURAKUMO on August 30th, 2001 02:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by SatanaXXX oh Ok I got it . Now, Are there any awesome Sentinel Combo?When I use this Titan I usually go for single strong hits...but are there any useful combos?Thanx That's where I come in...aite...this is comin out of my cammy/psy/sent team (yes i finally decided to put cammy on point)... with psy:, > qcb+kk > OTG, c.hp ^ sj.lp,, sj.lp,,, qcf+k, qcf+pp (hold down/forward and mash...on second psy thrust wave > DHC to sent's qcf+pp) now, sent's qcf+pp can set up for almost any other DHC my team's case, cammy would be next in line...naturally you would DHC sent's plasma storm into cammy's KBA (qcb+pp)... OTHER WAYS TO SET UP SENT'S PLASMA STORM (QCF+PP) sent: 1) psy AAA > qcf+pp (very effective, expecially against rushdown) 2) qcf+lk xx qcf+pp (not really a set up but it prevents smaller characters from going under the plasma storm because of the incoming sent force...also it provides a little more damage) 3) *combo of your choice* xx qcf+pp (experiment a little, sent's plasma storm is very damaging if you manage to pull it off...) SENT'S HSF (HYPER SENTINEL FORCE...QCF+KK) sent: s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk, s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk, s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk, s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk, s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk (basic sent semi=infinite...i LOVE this...because even if your opponent decides to block...i mean once they block on that first wave of attacks, they wont be able to get out...even if they counter, the next character would be caught in the crossfire...about the only thing that can mess you up is IF you mess up...this combo is a great way to turtle, but not a great way to make friends) I have about a million other sent strats but I have to get going to school now...if I have time later I'll go over it with you __________________ Can I start over yet??? Posted by Smiley on August 30th, 2001 08:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ping [Hey Smiley, do I see Cable's legs in a standing-on-the-ground position? ] SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! no one noticed yet.... hehehe __________________ When in doubt, Cheese 'em out! -Last words of Smiley, before becoming a grateful scrub Posted by thejibster on August 31st, 2001 05:34 AM: Some poeple (Ken/Akuma especially) CAN get out of the HSF semi-infinite. Those two can do their running Dragon Punches after the rocket punch. It is also possible to jump out if your timing is precise. Posted by Ping on September 1st, 2001 05:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by SatanaXXX HEll this is pretty complicated!I'll try it out! Well I'm starting to think that Marval Vs Cap 2 is a bit too MUCH complicated for me...: O I didn't think it was as complex until a year or so ago when I learned how so many people had infinites and saw all those combo movies online. I was like " WOW, ALL THAT IS POSSIBLE??? I gotta learn how to do that stuff! " Sentinel Tactics Always try to cancel the HSF from a rocket punch (rocket punch xx HSF; xx means "cancel into" if you didn't know already) if you can, given you're on the ground. If you do a sentinel aerial rave in the corner, finish it with a rocket punch, then as you're falling hit fierce punch then roundhouse kick as you fall with the opponent. Both will hit and add more damage. Jump-in with a,'s infamous stomp strategy)- if you're still at the top of of your jump as the connects, cancel it into a lp rocket punch. Sentienl on point, but wanna switch to another of your guys? qcf+hk, hold hk until you can move again, once you can, switch. The drones drop bombs which will keep your opponent blocking while your other character hops in. There's a lot more to sentinel to this, but these are just basic points I know of. (Gee, I should switch like that more often, I keep forgetting ) quote: Originally posted by AMEnoMURAKUMO SENT'S HSF (HYPER SENTINEL FORCE...QCF+KK) sent: s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk, s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk, s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk, s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk, s.hp, qcf+hp xx qcf+kk (basic sent semi=infinite...i LOVE this...because even if your opponent decides to block...i mean once they block on that first wave of attacks, they wont be able to get out...even if they counter, the next character would be caught in the crossfire...about the only thing that can mess you up is IF you mess up...this combo is a great way to turtle, but not a great way to make friends) Actually, you have to start off the HSF Semi-infinite with just a rocket punch if your opponent is standing. If you connect with a s.hp then cancel into a rocket punch they'll be able to block the rocket punch. I've tried this many times and there's no way you can chain the s.hp into the rocket punch if the opponent is standing there. __________________ Fighting advanced players is so much effort. Posted by Magento on September 1st, 2001 01:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Caoboi although i might get clowned on for this, team shoto (ryu, ken, akuma) is a pretty decent beginner team. their combos are really easy and mastering the movements are necessary for the execution of harder combos that other characters have (for example. the mastery of akuma's standard zigzag -> hurricane kick XX aerial fireball super helps a lot in mastering cammys air combo which differs in only the direction of fireball joystick movements) team shoto will get absolutely ripped apart by a top tier team, but in the right hands, it can do a shitload of damage. I do agree amd if any beginners ever played MvC2 and played Marvel Super Heroes they culd be someone like Ironman or Spider-Man or if your a fan of any street fighter game A good team to start out with is Rry, Ken, And Akuma like Caoboi Said. Posted by SatanaXXX on September 1st, 2001 01:48 PM: Damn!You guys sure know a lot of my beloved Sentinel!I'll try out the awesome semi-infinite, too damn cool!I tried the stomping, GREAT!Thanx a lot guys I owe you much!(but my friends are cursing who teached me those evil tactics... ) __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Ping on September 2nd, 2001 03:45 AM: Any other questions with your team we could possibly help you with? I like helping others __________________ Fighting advanced players is so much effort. Posted by Warlock on September 2nd, 2001 07:47 AM: start off with Cable ( projectile ) Doom ( anti-air ) storm ( projectile ) storm can be used by every level of player, cable is used toooooooooo much by beginers, but hey everyone used at one time, and Doom with AAA, will chip the hell out of anyone, and that assist also stops rush down charecters, and if storm dosen't work try Guile, or Psy, or Cyc, thats about all I can do to help out, one word of advice, don't start of with magneto, it's hard enough learning him when you've played for a while, a beginers with Mag, no no no... also try out Cyclops (AAA) Doom (AAA) Cable (projectile ) great beginers and great cheese... I mean chipper team __________________ " all who oppose me shall be destroyed " Posted by Mr. E on September 2nd, 2001 09:55 AM: this is gonna sound weird, but take advantage of sent's speed. Unlike all the other super armor/large characters (juggy, hulk, etc.) sent has a true wave dash (2 punch dash cancelled into a crouch into another 2 punch dash) which is very fast. Also, his flight mode has almost zero startup/lag and moves him around very, very fast. Add super armor to the mix, and sent has a mean, high priority rushdown.,, rocket punch xx HSF is a mean, combo. Make sure you do a standing mp, and not a crouching one, since the latter doesn't combo. You can also launch after the HSF in this combo if you're out of meter, or don't want to waste it on an almost dead opponent. the combo into the launch does somewhere around 90 points of damage to a Cable stamina character. Oh yeah, counter ahvb stuffs the s.fierce, rocket punch xx HSF chipping chain. If done right, the first drone will pass right through cables feet, and sentinel will get hit. It's hard to do, so, it's still probably safe. BTW, add a chipping assist (spiral works best, but doom and storm also work) into the chain to increase chipping. Storm/Sent/Doom. I call it team block damage. Works pretty well too. you can add a cable instead of sent and have some Counter AHVB fun. Posted by SatanaXXX on September 2nd, 2001 02:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ping Any other questions with your team we could possibly help you with? I like helping others Hehe thanx! I was wondering how to use Doom effectively, does he have a "seasoned tactic"?I heard of ppl who abuse of his air pink projectiles which is good, what else can you tell me about this metal ass? __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by SatanaXXX on September 2nd, 2001 02:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. E this is gonna sound weird, but take advantage of sent's speed. Unlike all the other super armor/large characters (juggy, hulk, etc.) sent has a true wave dash (2 punch dash cancelled into a crouch into another 2 punch dash) which is very fast. Also, his flight mode has almost zero startup/lag and moves him around very, very fast. Add super armor to the mix, and sent has a mean, high priority rushdown.,, rocket punch xx HSF is a mean, combo. Make sure you do a standing mp, and not a crouching one, since the latter doesn't combo. You can also launch after the HSF in this combo if you're out of meter, or don't want to waste it on an almost dead opponent. the combo into the launch does somewhere around 90 points of damage to a Cable stamina character. Oh yeah, counter ahvb stuffs the s.fierce, rocket punch xx HSF chipping chain. If done right, the first drone will pass right through cables feet, and sentinel will get hit. It's hard to do, so, it's still probably safe. BTW, add a chipping assist (spiral works best, but doom and storm also work) into the chain to increase chipping. Storm/Sent/Doom. I call it team block damage. Works pretty well too. you can add a cable instead of sent and have some Counter AHVB fun. Hey thanx!Well, about the combo you mentioned above, I have to do the Mp pressing the LP button since MvC2 has 4 hit buttons?And HSF is the HCF KK or HCF PP special? __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Ping on September 3rd, 2001 06:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by SatanaXXX Hehe thanx! I was wondering how to use Doom effectively, does he have a "seasoned tactic"?I heard of ppl who abuse of his air pink projectiles which is good, what else can you tell me about this metal ass? The Doom/Blackheart trap consists of him constantly jumping away with a j.hp while calling out the Blackheart Anti-air (Beta) assist. This keeps the opponent from doing anything (if done properly) and if they superjump, the assist is there to bring them back down. From there one can super-jumpo and rain down that beloved "pink shit" (photons) in both normal (hcb+p) and super (hcb+pp) form. However, there are ways for people to get past this. Doom is good for rushdown as well as keep-away. he has a launcher (, and a c.hp launcher, and the standard aerial rave for him (from what I understand) is launcher /\ sj.lp,, sj.lp,, sj.hp xx hcb+pp Note that the sj.fp is not supposed to hit; it's only there to let the opponent fall for that split second and get into a good position for them to get hit by more of the photon shots. Another way to end it off, instead of the sj.hp xx hcb+pp, is with a xx airdash forward (hit both punch) xx hcb+pp The kinda pops them outward a bit instead of straight to the ground. From this you have to quickly air-dash forward and you can photon array them right in their face before they fall to the ground. Doom's air-dash and ground dash aren't all too fast, though, which is most likely why people use him as a chipping assist and use him as a keep-away character moreso than a rushdown. I'm probably missing things here. You should check out Geekboy's guides on these characters. They're really helpful. __________________ Fighting advanced players is so much effort. Posted by Ping on September 3rd, 2001 06:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by SatanaXXX Hey thanx!Well, about the combo you mentioned above, I have to do the Mp pressing the LP button since MvC2 has 4 hit buttons?And HSF is the HCF KK or HCF PP special? You get a mp from hitting lp after hitting either lk or lk first. What attack you get depends upon the character's ability to chain. But instead of trying to confuse you... Hit either lp or lk first to get Sentinel's lp or lk, then hit lp when that connects to get his mp. you could also hit lk instead of the lp for a mk, but it seems the mp has a lot more usefulness. Did I confuse you? I'm sorry. Hyper Sentinel Force (HSF) is qcf+KK. Definitely Sentinel's most used super- has a quick start up and little (if any) lag afterwards. __________________ Fighting advanced players is so much effort. Posted by SatanaXXX on September 4th, 2001 10:20 AM: Ok got it thanx!The combo laser, rocket punch, HSF, and so on is awesome and can be connected to your lil' combo too!=) Well with ground sentinel I can say I'm ok now, how about her flight tactics?I know a lot of pros abuse of her flight so much... __________________ We All Shall Die Posted by Ping on September 4th, 2001 11:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by SatanaXXX Ok got it thanx!The combo laser, rocket punch, HSF, and so on is awesome and can be connected to your lil' combo too!=) Well with ground sentinel I can say I'm ok now, how about her flight tactics?I know a lot of pros abuse of her flight so much... After 3 or so of the HSF repeats it begins to do hardly any damage, but if you've got nothing better to do with your meters, then go ahead and keep 'em coming. Flight? I believe you just fly over and keep doing your stomping attacks. Be sure to call assists while you're flying (because you can! ) to keep you safe from any counterattacks while you recover from a blocked flying hk. Use the flying hp if the opponent tries to jump and is directly in front of you- everyone calls it Sentinel's Frying Pan. I love it. Take advantage of the speed of Sentinel's flying. I'm not sure if it's the fastest (probabkly is), but if it isn't, it's still one of the fastest flying speeds that anyone has in the game. Just be sure not to be running away whuile flying- that defeats the purpose. Sorta. I like Sentinel. He's probably the character I can use best of the whole game. And I'm not really even an expert with him... __________________ Fighting advanced players is so much effort. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:59 PM. Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.